Our Story
Betsy, founder and president of Peaceful Purpose has a great passion for helping others. Her volunteering initiative began in 2012 at St. Elizabeth's Hospital Cancer Center teaching the 'Look Good Feel Better' program. During her time at St. Elizabeth's, Betsy was also involved in meeting one-on-one with patients offering wig consultations and head shavings. In 2015, Betsy opened and lead Happy Heads Salon at Fox Valley Hematology and Oncology (FVHO). Her extensive knowledge and background of cosmetology led her to start Peaceful Purpose Inc. to provide a personalized service for her community. Through networking and connections, built through various avenues, the team of directors was formed through volunteer community members who are committed to the mission and care about the community in which we live.

Our Team
The Peaceful Purpose board is comprised of various volunteers who are dedicated to our mission, driving awareness, advocating for donations and sponsorships, and ensuring the non-profit is operating ethically and professionally.
Please contact us if you're interested in volunteering on our board.